Knowledge Augmentation for Legal Affairs via Legal Advocacy Training No 3

By Dr Than Lwin Tun


The Ministry of Legal Af­fairs (MOLA Office No 25), situated in Nay Pyi Taw, is reformed from the Attor­ney-General’s office according to Order No 176/2021 of the State Administration Council (SAC). The Union Attorney-General is assigned and appointed as Union Minister for the Minis­try of Legal Affairs.


The motto for MOLA is “the legal profes­sion is a noble profession” and the mission is to protect legal rights, to be better functions of MOLA, to participate in the judicial system for promoting public trust and to participate in the justice sector reform. MOLA is implementing the func­tions of five departments such as Legislative Draft Vetting De­partment, Legal Advice Depart­ment, Prosecution Department, Administration Department and Legal Advocacy Department.


The Ministry is implement­ing a strategic plan for 2020-2024: “Providing legal service for justice”. MOLA intends to perform functions such as publishing law books yearly in both Myanmar and English in order to conduct legal studies and research by law officers from various levels of law Of­fices, compiling law journals, English-Myanmar law diction­aries and other legal research, providing services by launching Myanmar Law Information Sys­tem-MILS in order to access updated laws, rules, procedures, orders and directives.


With the guidance of the SAC chairman and the super­vision of the Minister for Legal Affairs, Legal Advocacy Training No 3 was successfully opened on 7 June 2023. We (37 train­ees from different ministries) attended Legal Advocacy Train­ing No 3 from 8 June 2023 to 19 August 2023 at the Ministry of Legal Affairs.


The legal advocacy train­ing has provided interesting and valuable topics such as History of MOLA, Criminal Law, Rela­tionship between Myanmar’s Constitution and International Law, Charters of United Na­tions, ASEAN Charter, State, Sovereignty, Legitimacy and Jurisdiction: An observation from International Political and Legal Perspectives, Trans­national organized Crimes, Promotion and Protection of Investment in Myanmar and relating to commercial Contract, Force Majeure, Constitution, Unity State and Federal State, General Legal Advice Subject, Legislative Drafting Practices, Subsidiary or Secondary Leg­islation or Indirect Legislation, Law, Act, Code, Regulations, By-Law, Notification, order, Di­rective, Procedures, Drafting of amended Laws, Introduction to an art of reading as well as an art of thinking and art of writ­ing, Legislature Institution and Power, Law is a living thing, Civil Service Regulations, Anti-cor­ruption, International Instru­ments and Intergovernmental Organizations on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, Notice, Writ of Habeas Corpus, Writ of Mandamus, Writ of Quo Warrant, Writ of Certiorari, Writ of Prohi­bition, Legal General and etc.


The legal advocacy training is promoting critical thinking skills and how to consider holis­tic legal perspectives of Admin­istration and Management. This training is designed to provide individuals with a widespread understanding of legal concepts, principles, and practices. It aims to enhance participants’ knowl­edge in various areas of the law and equip them with the nec­essary tools to navigate legal affairs effectively.


Knowledge is power and in our modernized world, we increasingly count on global­ly and locally for memorizing. Knowledge is power suggests that having knowledge or infor­mation about something empow­ers an individual or gives them an advantage. It implies that acquiring knowledge can lead to greater opportunities, success, and the ability to make informed decisions. Knowledge provides individuals with the tools and understanding necessary to nav­igate various situations, solve problems, and make informed choices. It allows people to have a deeper understanding of the world, different perspectives, and the ability to critically ana­lyze and evaluate information.


In many aspects of life, knowledge can really be em­powering. For example, in edu­cation, gaining knowledge and skills can open doors to better career opportunities. In person­al relationships, understanding and knowledge about oneself and others can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections. In scientific research and in­novation, knowledge enables progress and the development of new technologies and discov­eries. However, it is important to note that knowledge alone may not be sufficient without the application of that knowledge or the development of other skills and qualities. It is the combi­nation of knowledge, skills, and action that truly empowers indi­viduals to make a difference and create positive change.


Consequently, Knowledge Augmentation for Legal Affairs is the key important issue for us and supports organizational effectiveness. In addition, we learned a lot from the Ministry of Legal Affairs and improved our knowledge. We, Legal Ad­vocacy Training No 3 Group ac­knowledge and respect all the lecturers for their kindly active contribution and energetic shar­ing of knowledge.



- Historical Background of the Ministry of Legal Affairs


- Lecture Notes from Legal Advocacy Training No 3