Land use certificate (Form-7) presented to farmers in Waingmaw Twsp

Waingmaw, 19 January

An event to present land use certificate (Form-7) to the farmers by the Department of Agricultural Land Management and Statistics was held at Samar Hall of the General Administration Department in Waingmaw Township, Kachin State on January 18.

On the occasion, Kachin State Minister for Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Irrigation U Kyaw Kyaw Win extended greetings and U Lagan Zel Jone, Lower House MP for Waingmaw Township clarified matters relating to improvement for socioeconomic status of the farmers.

Next, an official from the Department of Agricultural Land Management and Statistics explained the ownership and benefits of the land use certificate. 

Afterwards, the minister and concerned officials presented the land use certificates to the rightful owners and a farmer spoke words of thanks.

The land use certificates (Form-7) were presented to 206 farmers from 13 village-tracts in the township for their 2095.61 acres of farmland during the ceremony.

Khaing Thet Mon
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe