Large haul of drugs seized in some Townships

Nay Pyi Taw, 9 January


Police members from Mansi Township intercepted a motorbike driven by Kyaw Naing Phyo for inspection Mansi-Hanhtet Road near Hanhtet Village, Mansi Township, Kachin State on 7 January and seized 1755 stimulant tablets from him.


In a similar incident on the same day, Police members from Anti-Drug squad searched Ma Cho Cho Than (a) Kayin Ma in Ward-4 in Myawady and seized 190 stimulant tablets from her. As a result of investigation Police members raided the house of Aung Kon Lwin in ward-4 in Myawady and confiscated 2017 stimulant tablets and K 30000 from him.


Similarly, Policemen from Anti-Drug Squad searched a motorbike driven by Law Bu with Ma Mi Nyi on board on Tachilek-Mong Shat Road near Nathali Village in Tachilek Township on the same day and seized 12000 stimulant tablets from them.


Local authorities also intercepted a motorbike driven by Sai Lin on Hopong-Loilem Road near Honam Village in Hopong Township and seized 28400 stimulant tablets and a mobile phone from him.


The authorities filed charges against all suspects under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.—MPF


Translated by JT