Legal Aid Board’s regional office opens in Pathein town

Pathein, 1  July


A ceremony to open Ayeyawady region Legal Aid Board office and to put up its signboard was held at the township General Administration Department in the town of Pathein, Ayeyarwady region this morning.




First, Ayeyarwady region chief minister U Hla Moe Aung unveiled the signboard of the office and made a speech. The region chief minister said he was learnt to know that legal aid law was adopted by Pyidaungsu hluttaw in 2016. Legal aid refers to providing lawyers, legal knowledge, advice, assistance and information to people who are eligible for seeking legal aids in accordance with this law, he said.


He also urged members of the regional Legal aid board to work towards the goals. Then, chief judge U Than Tun of the region high court and U Than Tun, chairman of the region legal aid board spoke words of thank. –Maung Maung Myint (IPRD)


 Translated by Khine Thaw