Loans disbursed for emerald green project in Budalin Tsp.

Budalin, 9 May


With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, loans for emerald green project were dispensed to members of village emerald green project in Myothit Chaung Village in Budalin Township, Sagaing Region yesterday. The disbursement of loans is the third of its kind in the village.


First of all, staff officer of the district Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Dr. Thaung Sein gave a speech and an official from the township management committee clarified the purposes of the project.


Then, staff officer of the township Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Dr Kyaw Kyaw Lwin handed over K 41.00 million to chairman of Myothit Chaung village emerald green project committee.


Also present of the occasion were staff officer of the district Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Dr Thaung Sein, an official from the township management committee, staff officer of the township Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Dr Kyaw Kyaw Lwin and members of the village emerald green project committee.—Phoe Kha, IPRD


Translated by JT