Loans disbursed for emerald green project in Yinmabin Tsp.

Yinmabin, 11 September


With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, loans for emerald green project were disbursed to farmers in Kyasi Village, Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region yesterday afternoon.


The disbursement of loan is the fourth of its kind in which staff officer of the Township emerald green project committee U Myint Than delivered an opening speech and explained rules and procedures of the emerald green project to be abided by rural people.


Afterwards, U Myint Than disbursed K 41.3 million to farmers in Kyasi Village, Yinmabin Township. Then, staff from the Township DRD and members of village emerald green project committee reviewed the project in Kyasi Village.


—Than Htay Aung (Kani)
Translated by JT