Loans disbursed to implement emerald green projects in Gangaw Twsp.

Gangaw, 28 January

With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, loans to implement emerald green projects were disbursed to local farmers at the meeting room of General Administration Department in Gangaw Township, Magway Region yesterday.

At the event, the region Hluttaw Representative U Aung San Win and the township Administrator U Maung Maung Aye delivered speeches. Next, an official from the township Department of Rural Development clarified the purpose of the project and explained the rules and regulations of the emerald green projects to be abode by the rural people. 

Afterwards, the township Administrator U Maung Maung Aye handed over K 30.0 million to chairman of village emerald green project committee from Taungbin Village.

Myo Min Than, IPRD
Translated by JT