Loans disbursed to implement emerald green projects in Gyobingauk Twsp.

Gyobingauk, 13 December


Loans for implementation of emerald green projects were disbursed to members of village emerald green project committee in Pyinhtaungdwin Village, Gyobingauk Township, Bago Region on 12 December. The disbursement of loan is the first of its kind in the village.


At the event, staff officer of the Township Department of Rural Development U Aye Lwin clarified the purposes of the project and handed over Ks. 15.0 million to members of village emerald green project committee at the Dhamayone of the village in line with COVID-19 health regulation.


With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, the Township DRD dispensed loans for implementation of emerald green projects to members of village emerald green project committee.—Ko Nyo(DRD)
Translated by JT