Loans disbursed to implement emerald green projects in Wundwin Twsp.

Meiktila, 26 December

With the aim of boosting the income of rural people and their socio-economic status, loans for implementation of emerald green projects were dispensed to members of village emerald green project committee in Kongyi Village and Aungtha Village in Wundwin Township of Mandalay Region on December 25.

During the event, an official from the Township Department of Rural Development clarified the purposes of the project and explained rules and regulations of the emerald green projects to be abode by members of village emerald green project committee.

Under this loans project, altogether 248 people – 163 people in agriculture business and 84 people in  livestock breeding business from the two villages in the Township received a total of K 66.5 million for the projects.—Thein Myint Kyaw(Meiktila)

Translated by JT