Loans disbursement of Emerald Green Project conducted in Pyawbwe(Sanpya) village, Meiktila

Meiktila 21 December


With the aims of creating job opportunities and increasing family income, villagers from Pyawbwe (Sanpya) village in Meiktila Township were disbursed loans of emerald green project on 20 December.


First, an official from the Township Department of Rural Development clarified the purpose of the project and rules and regulations of the project. Then, a responsible person also explained the rate of interest and duration of the loan. Afterwards, the officials handed over the loans to the members of the emerald green project in the village. 


A total of K 36.3 million_  22.5 million to 60 people in agriculture, K 13.8 million to 40 people in livestock was disbursed and it is the fifth of its kind. 


Thein Myint Kyaw (Meiktila)
Translated by Suyee