Locals in Madaya Twsp receive electricity

Madaya 2 February

An inauguration ceremony of rural electrification facility was held in Pyitharaye village in Yenathar village-tract in Madaya Township, Pyin Oo Lwin District, Mandalay Region on February 2.

First, officials from Township General Administration Department, Township Electrical Manager and community leaders launched the electrification structure in the village. Next, the electrical manager shared knowledge about the risk of electricity. Then, the donors were also presented certificates of honor and one of the local residents also spoke words of thank. 

In the village, there are a total of 75 households and out of which, 65 villages have access to electricity. Arrangements are being made to distribute electricity to other remaining households without electricity. 

Soe Kyaw Thu Htwe (Madaya)
Translated by Suyee