Low-lying areas in Sagaing inundated by floodwaters from Ayeyawady River

Sagaing, 21 July


Firefighters, members of the Red Cross Society, volunteers and local authorities evacuated some families from low-lying areas in Sagaing to safer locations under the supervision of the district/township management committee as the water level of Ayeyawady River is rising fast.




“People from low-lying area suffer from floodwaters yearly but the water level of the Ayeyawady River is rising fast this year. According to the observations at 6 a.m. today, the water level of Ayeyawady Region reached 1172 centimeters, exceeding 22 centimeters above its 1150 centimeters of danger mark. We are making necessary preparations such as opening of clinics for flood victims. Some 489 residents from 99 households were evacuated to safer places. A family also donated relief items to the flood victims, said U Ye Win, the ward administer.


Flood warnings issued by the Meteorology and Hydrology Department are being informed the flood victims in real time so that they can know the real situation, he added. Some wards in low-lying areas in Sagaing are located close to the Ayeyawady River.—IPRD    


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe