Make return of IDPs a success through cooperation

Steps are being taken to shut down the Kyauktalonegyi camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Kyaukpyu Township, in accordance with the tasks prescribed in the National Strategy for the closure of nationwide IDP camps and resettlement of IDPs.

The national strategy envisages that all displaced people at IDP camps return home safely and with dignity and rebuild their life without depending on others.

We do believe that the closure of the Kyauktalonegyi camp would be successful if all responsible persons of the committees concerned at different levels are on board in implementing the steps for closing the camp.

As we move to close the camp, we can use the experience gained while closing down two other camps at Nidin in Kyauktaw Township and Taungpaw camp in Myebon Township.
The closure of the camps is aimed at enabling all to return to their own places and live peacefully. The main responsibility of those who established the camp, and organizations and entities that supported the camp, including the government, is to enable the people to return to their place of origin and live peacefully and move on.

It is important for everyone to keep in mind that ultimately, they will return to their places of origin and create a stable and development-oriented environment.

The IDPs in Rakhine have been suffering the consequences of conflicts which have also delayed their socio-economic development.

To establish rule of law and bring about socio-economic development in Rakhine State, the state’s Stability and Development Committee has carried out tasks through its four working committees since its formation in 2016.

To make the closure of an IDP camp a success, cooperation is required between government departments and committees, local residents, UN agencies, civil society organizations, associate organizations, and residents of the IDP camp.

Security and peaceful coexistence are important issues in Rakhine State, especially when it comes to providing aid to people by building infrastructure in health and education, creating jobs, and allowing freedom of movement. Rule of law and stability are playing an important role in designing projects that would create jobs for displaced people.

All persons and organizations are requested to cooperate in the resettlement of IDPs in the state.