Man arrested for stabbing his cousin in Mong Nae Tsp 

Mong Nae, 16 December 

 A stabbing took place in Pan Au village in Mong Nae Township, Linkay district, Shan state (south) yesterday evening. 

The stabbing occurred after Soe Moe and his cousin named Sai Wi Seikta had a quarrel that sparked a fight between them. Sai Nyar Lein, who is living in the same road, managed to patch up the quarrel and sent Sai Wi Sekita to his home. 

After a while, Sai Wi Seikta, holding a knife, arrived in the compound of Soe Moe’s house, railing against Soe Moe to come out of the house. When Soe Moe jumped out of the house, Sai Wi Seikta stabbed him in the back, left arm and chest. Soe Moe was seriously injured in the incident.

 Local police pressed charges against Sai Wi Weikta for stabbing, according to Mong Nae Myoma police station.—Myo Nyunt Shwe (Mong Nae IPRD) 

 Translated by Aung Zaw Lin