Man charged in killing of endangered hornbill in Magway

31 March


A man was arrested and charged with killing a male hornbill in Ngaphe, Mangway Region on 28 March.


U Win Maung, 37, a truck driver, killed the male hornbill while it slept in a tree outside the Forest Department in Ngape, Magway. Officials said he killed the bird by firing a slingshot.


An official of the Forest Department opened a file against U Win Maung at the Padan area police station for killing the endangered species.


The killing of the male hornbill happened some five months after local forest officials and members of the public took action to release nine hornbills in the Goatgyi Forest Reserve in the township.


The hornbills had been seized from smugglers. —Zeyatu (Magway) (Translated by Kyaw Zin)