Mass immunization campaign conducted in Hopin Tsp.

Hopin, 4 June

Under the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports, medical staff from Maternal and Child Welfare Association conducted a mass immunization campaign in conjunction with a knowledge sharing event about the danger of COVID-19 in the town of Hopin, Mohnyin Township, Kachin State yesterday. 

Medical staff led by Daw Su Naing Moe from the township Maternal and Child Welfare Association injected 50 children below two years old and pregnant women with vaccination against various diseases such as hepatitis B, Polio, measles, diphtheria and lockjaw.

As part of efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, staff from the township Maternal and Child Welfare Association will inject 50 children and pregnant women per a day with vaccination.

Medical staff will continue to carry out vaccination campaign in the town, according to an official from the township Maternal and Child Welfare Association.

Toe Toe May, Township IPRD
Translated by JT