Medical equipment donated to GTI quarantine center in Insein Tsp.

Yangon, 9 May


An event to donate personal protective equipment (PPE) suits and other items to quarantine center was held at the compound of the Government Technological Institute in Insein Township, Yangon Region yesterday.


As part of efforts to control the spread of COVID-19, Asia Standard Group Co.Ltd donated 2000 masks, insecticide, hand gel and 20 personal protective equipment suits to the quarantine center in Insein Township.


Medical equipment was accepted by the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Maung Maung Oo and the region Hluttaw Representative U Wai Phyo Han from the township committee on COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment.


Insein township COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment committee steps up COVID-19 prevention measures.--Zwe Htet Ko, IPRD


Translated by JT