Medical gears provided to Rikhawdar station hospital in Chin state

Rikhawdar, May 12

A ceremony to hand over medical gears by Hualngo Land Development Organaization-HLDO and Christian Aid to the station hospital in the town of Rikhawdar in Chin state was held at the station hospital this morning.

At the ceremony, Rikhawdar town administrator U Kyin Lam Khaing made opening remarks saying that the town committee on Covid-19 prevention, control and treatment has been stepping up the virus preventative measures with the cooperation of social organizations, philanthropic groups and local youths. He also spoke words of thank to the donors for their donation.

Then, an official from Hualngo Land Development Organaization-HLDO handed over five personal protective suits, 25 pieces of N 95, two infrared thermometers, two 5-liter bottles of hand sanitizer, two bottles of disinfectant and 250 gloves to Dr. San San Mar, head of the station hospital, who spoke words of thank for the donation.

Hualngo Land Development Organaization-HLDO is a social organization conducting development works in Phalam, Tidim and Tonzan townships to promote the socio-economic lives of local people.—Pakka (IPRD)

Translated by Aung Zaw Lin