Meiktila mountaineers successfully climb Mt. Hsin

Meiktila, 1 July


The 80 members from the Meiktila Hiking and Mountaineering Association successfully climbed 6800-ft-high Mt. Hsin in Thazi Township, Mandalay Region on 30 June.


“We started this climbing season with climbing Mt. Hsin measuring 6800 ft. 80 members ranging from 15 to 71 years old reached the summit of Mt.Hsin at 11 am. 80 members from the association summited the mountain,” said Dr. Myat Min from the association. He continued that the members of the Meiktila Hiking and Mountaineering Association stayed one night at a monastery and a school in Myindaik Village which is closely located near the mountain.


The mountaineers began to climb at 5:30 am yesterday and successfully reached the summit at 11 a.m. The members also strictly followed the disciplines and guidance given by the team leaders. Amateur mountaineers were given basic military parade by members of the Myanmar Red Cross Society, he added. They also donated Ks. 200,000 for development of Myindaik Village and Ks. 100,000 for the fund of a free clinic.


The 20 association members planning to climb Madwe and Phonkanrazi Mountains in Kachin State also successfully climbed Mt. Myinmahti in Kalaw Township, Southern Shan State.—Chan Thar (Meiktila)


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe