MoBA Union Minister pays inspection tours in Mandalay, Sagaing regions

Union Minister for Border Af­fairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, along with officials, inspected development and human re­source activities in Sagaing and Mandalay regions.


During his visit to the Uni­versity of the Development of the National Races in Sagaing, the Union minister discussed university operations, agricul­ture issues, and preparations for the Myanmar Education Conference 2024.


He emphasized the impor­tance of fostering patriotism, good citizenship, and educa­tional excellence among stu­dents. The Union minister also reviewed dormitories, dining rooms, and sports facilities, providing necessary support for upcoming projects.


In Kyaukse District, the Union minister inspected con­struction of the road to Tooth Relic Pagoda and ongoing main­tenance work, making donations to members of the Sangha. He also visited Kyaungywa village to observe the drilling of un­derground fresh water and met with local people.


The ministry is actively working to provide clean drink­ing water in water-scarce areas using advanced technology and expertise. — MNA/TS