Mobile market scheme expanded to 8 townships in Yangon on 3 November

By Nyein Nyein

Mobile market scheme will be extended from four to eight townships due to the high demand of residents in Yangon, according to the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.


In a bid to reduce the crowd at markets, bring fresh food to the consumers and contain the possible spread of the coronavirus in the region, the mobile market was started to run in three townships on 26 October on a trial basis, the UMFCCI stated.


People can purchase food at a fair price in their ward. From 3 November, the trucks will run simultaneously in eight townships.

On 3 November, the trucks arranged by Yangon City Development Committee and the affiliated association of UMFCCI are to be located at the corner of Waibargi street and Bogyoke street, Bohnma 4 and 5 streets in North Okkalapa Township in eastern District, in front of BEHS (5) on Zeyathukha Street, U Bahan Street, Pyi Taw Thar Road in Thingangyun Township, 18th, 20th, 21st and 22nd streets, Boywel Street and Sintohdan Street in Latha Township, Kwinkyaung park, Thirimingala housing and Aungzayya housing in Ahlon Township, Wahso Ward, Mandaing Street and Aungtakun Street in Dawbon Township, southern District, Yanpyay Ward and the corner of Thadayon and Anawmar streets in Thakayta Township, Kyogone Ward in Insein Township, Kyansitthar Street and its housing in Hlinethaya Township. The trucks will offer the packaged CP chicken, pork, beef, mutton, fresh and saltwater fish, egg and vegetable at a fair price.

The mobile market plan will proceed to other eight townships. The UMFCCI will update the daily sales plans through their Facebook Page and CITY FM programme. The trucks are hanging mobile market vinyl, and the respective officials from YCDC will monitor them.

The management team of the mobile truck will accept the goods supplied by the registered farmers only. The team will also set the fair price in individual wards for low-income people. Those truck operators must strictly adhere to the traffic rules, the rules set by the municipal, and the health guidelines for the coronavirus, the UMFCCI stated.


 (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)