Mobile Team to help Myanmar workers holding CIs get passports

On 12 February, the Myan­mar embassy in Thailand an­nounced that a Mobile Team would assist Myanmar workers holding Certificates of Identity (CIs) in obtaining passports.


Workers with Certificates of Identity (CIs) can apply for PJ passports with the neces­sary documents at the Tem­porary Data Collection Centre (TDCC) office in Mahachai.


The Mobile Team will visit factories where Myanmar citi­zens holding CI work to collect data, verify information, and issue passports.


For data collection, work­ers seeking passports must provide a personal profile with full details and photo, the origi­nal CI booklet, a copy of the CI visa page, a copy of the work permit, the original and a copy of the national scrutiny card, and a copy of the household registration.


Once workers receive their passports, they can con­tact the office of the labour attaché to be listed as MOU (Memorandum of Understand­ing) workers under their fac­tory’s arrangement. If a pass­port expires, renewal can be applied for.


Additionally, Myanmar factory workers must inform their respective HR managers of these details and cooperate in the advance data collection process. — TWA/TRKM/KNN