MoC discusses freight transport, mushroom cultivation 

18 Nov

THE Ministry of Commerce virtually held a coordination meeting on freight transport for winter vegetables, and seeds and production techniques for mushroom farming yesterday.

During the meeting, Union Minister Dr Than Myint highlighted some of the difficulties of restaurants and shops in freight transport due to the COVID-19 restrictions, plans to overcome the economic impacts of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, quick access to agrochemicals and fertilizers, some hardships of melon farmers due to the restrictions at China border, suggestions that the farmers need to grow other plants and participations of the relevant departments and organizations to facilitate the logistic woes.

Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation then discussed the restrictions in the logistic sector during COVID-19 outbreak, better criteria and procedures, loans of Cooperative to provide the mushroom farming and the arrangements of the ministry including training to develop the mushroom cultivation.

Deputy Minister for Commerce talked about the further discussion to enhance the land trade with China and Thailand despite restrictions, the establishment of Cold Storage, Packing House and Logistic Commodity Exchange Centre to ease the trade flows, robust relations between economic attache's and traders and creating markets for the mushroom which is being MoC discusses freight transport, mushroom cultivation cultivated mostly in Yangon and Ayeyawady regions.

The meeting was attended by the Permanent Secretary, the Directors-General, Deputy Directors-General of the Ministry of Commerce and other departmental personnels.

MNA (Translated by Khine Thazin Han)