MoCRD Deputy Minister heads to Bangkok for 24th CIRDAP Governing Council Meeting

A Myanmar delegation led by Dep­uty Minister for Cooperatives and Rural Development U Myint Soe left Yangon for Bangkok, Thai­land, yesterday to attend the 24th Centre on Integrated Rural De­velopment for Asia and the Pacific — CIRDAP Governing Council Meeting, chaired and hosted by Thailand.


The deputy minister and del­egation were seen off at Yangon International Airport by depart­mental officials from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Devel­opment.


The Centre on Integrated Ru­ral Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is made up of 15 member countries in Asia and the Pacific region with the aim of promoting rural cooperation carried out by member countries and participating as a service or­ganization in carrying out rural development activities with the cooperation of the people.


The Governing Council Meeting and the Executive Com­mittee Meeting of the CIRDAP organization are held alternately in the member countries every two years, so the 34th Executive Committee Meeting was held on 4 and 5 June 2024, and the 24th Governing Council Meeting will be held on 6 June in Bangkok, Thailand. Representatives from the CIRDAP member countries will join the meeting to share and exchange activities related to the rural development of the member countries and discuss CIRDAP’s plans. — MNA/KZL