MoE, EU discuss coordination in education sector

June 16, 2020


Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi held a videoconference with EU Ambassador Mr Kristian Schmidt and delegation on the works for education sector yesterday morning.

At the meeting, the Union Minister talked on COVID-19 Response and Rehabilitation Plan for Myanmar education sector which was adopted in May, resuming highschool classes on 21 July and step-by-step reopening of middle and primary classes, online course and the 5-days training for health education, new curriculum for Grade 4,7 and 10 and conducting training courses for over 35,000 trainee teachers across the country through Myanmar Digital Education Platform.

Director-General Daw Si Si Pyone from the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry and Director-General Daw Khine Khine Aung from the OAGU made discussions.

After the speech of the EU Ambassador, both sides discussed preparations for school reopening, implementation of recommendations from the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, budget allocations to regions and states with lesser centralization, the phase 2 of National Education Strategic Plan (2021-2030) and education development plans with the assistance of EU.

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Minister U Win Maw Tun and officials from the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry, the Ministry of Education and the Office of Auditor-General of the Union.—MNA(Translated by Aung Khin)