MoHS discusses requirement of lab items for COVID-19 tests

17 Nov

Union Minister for Health and Sports chaired a videoconference yesterday on the existing and future plans for conducting laboratory tests to control COVID-19 pandemic. At the meeting, the Union Minister discussed the importance of early treatments, laboratory tests and contact tracing to prevent transmission of COVID-19 disease, and the readiness of laboratory equipment for the containment measures.

He also instructed for making a checklist and reviewing the transport of swabs from respective areas to the laboratories, supplies of lab equipment, and the amount of procurement and relief assistance. Professor Dr Htay Htay Tin, the deputy director-general from the National Health Laboratory, reported on the tests at the laboratories, the advantages and disadvantages of ongoing test methods, installation of laboratory equipment, equipment lists, and the needs of human resources.

Professor Dr Zaw Than Tun, the director-general from the Department of Medical Research, reported on the lists of laboratory equipment and the needs for future plans. 

Senior health officials then discussed the transportation of swabs from the respective regions and states, the stock of equipment and the required items for tests, suggestions on better transport of swabs, the use of Genexpert test and the need of related items and other laboratory test methods. Deputy Minister Dr Mya Lay Sein and Permanent Secretary Professor Dr Thet Khaing Win coordinated the discussions.

MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)