MoHS, Tatmadaw medical corps take body temperature with mobile infrared thermal detection units

24 May

Mobile teams of Ministry of Health and Sports and the Tatmadaw medical corps used vehicles installed with infrared thermal detection units in taking body temperature of people in Mayangon Township in Yangon yesterday morning, as a move to prevent transmission of COVID-19 among the public.

The Public Health and Medical Services Department of Yangon Region led in using these vehicles in wards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Mayangon Township, out of 10 residential quarters, while other combined teams carried out door to door medical tests.

Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein, his government members and officials looked around these works.

The Chief Minister said, “Mobile medical tests could find the persons with symptoms of COVID-19 to get early treatment. It will also help in contact tracing to prevent more transmissions among the public. The programme focuses on the townships with higher numbers of confirmed cases.”

Officials and combined teams also used survey forms to collect specific health conditions of individuals.

Ko Zaw, living in 12th street of Ward 1 in Mayangone Township, commented, “We welcome the door to door screening. I have felt confident after the test. People participate in this programme, and it is a good sign for our country to control the COVID-19.”

Over a hundred thousand of people received tests in Mayangone Township yesterday, where the second highest positive cases were found.

The township-wide screenings have been conducted in Insein, Tamway, Hlinethaya, South Okkalapa, Bahan, Dagon Myothit (east), Dagon Myothit(north), Dagon Myothit(south), Shwepyitha, Mingaladon, Kyauktada and Mingala Taungnyunt affected by the pandemic in considerable cases.

The Public Health and Medical Services Department of Yangon Region will continue mobile medical tests in Sangyaung, Ahlon, Dagon, Kamayut, Hline, Dawbon, Thakayta, Botahtaung, Pabedan, Pazundaung, Thingangyun, North Okkalapa and Hlegu townships.—Zaw Gyi (Translated by Aung Khin)