MoI UM meets Yangon-based staff for year-end reflection, celebration

Union Minister for Informa­tion U Maung Maung Ohn met the staff from Yangon-based de­partments and enterprises un­der the Ministry of Information at StudioA of Myanma Radio and Television (Yangon) on 24 December.


First of all, the staff present at the meeting were explained countering misinformation, ti­tled “Preventing Media Poison­ing,” and reflected on the min­istry’s responsibilities, “State Building and the Role of State Media”, using video clips.


In his remarks, the Union minister stated that the State Administration Council/govern­ment had to assume control of state responsibilities due to the former government’s vot­ing rigging. He highlighted the government’s efforts to achieve prosperity, food security, and the strengthening of a genuine and disciplined multiparty de­mocracy, the building of a Union founded on democracy and fed­eralism, the five-point roadmap, and nine political, economic, and social objectives, calling on the staff to dedicate their efforts to these endeavours.


Subsequently, the Union minister engaged in entertain­ment programmes and gift ex­changes with staff members during the Christmas celebra­tion. Christian staff members working on ethnic TV pro­grammes and radio at the My­anma Radio and Television in Tatkon, Nay Pyi Taw, gathered for prayer and carol singing on 24 and 25 December.


The celebration included exchanging gifts, ethnic food stalls, and the participation of staff members and their families from various faiths. — MNA/NT