MoLA Union Minister meets Russian Prosecutor-General in Moscow

The Myanmar delegation led by Union Minister for Legal Affairs Union Attorney-Gener­al Dr Thida Oo met Russian Prosecutor-General Mr Igor Krasnov in Moscow yesterday at the invitation of the Russian Prosecutor-General.


During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on legal cooperation between the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the Russian Prosecutor-General Office, holding joint talks, con­ferences, workshops, exchange of legal experts for sharing ex­perience and learning oppor­tunities, scholar programmes for young legal officers of the ministry at the universities af­filiated with Russian Prosecu­tor-General Office and further cooperation in 2024-2025.


Moreover, the roundta­ble discussion under the top­ic “Structure, Objectives and Organization Activities of the Ministry of Legal Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation” was held.


Speaking at the event, the Union minister said the minis­try is working on the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan with four objec­tives under the name ‘Towards Justice’ and the 2020-2024 Stra­tegic Plan with five objectives under the title ‘Legal Services for Justice’. Of these objec­tives, establishing sustainable cooperation with international organizations and partner coun­tries is included.


She also mentioned the en­hancement of bilateral relations between the Ministry of Legal Affairs and the Prosecutor-Gen­eral’s Office via the dialogue exchange on legal systems, legal experiences, workshops and plenary sessions.


Then, the representatives of the Prosecutor-General’s Of­fice discussed regarding with the procedures, initial investi­gation, finding and filing a case and other matters.


The Ministry of Legal Af­fairs signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on legal affairs with the Russian Prosecu­tor-General Office in 2023. — MNA/KTZH