Monsoon agricultural loans disbursed in Tada-U Township

Tada-U 21 May


Myanma Agricultural Development Bank in Tada-U Township is disbursing monsoon agricultural loans to the farmers in the township starting from May 20.


It is earmarked that the bank will distribute monsoon agricultural loans for 700 acres of monsoon paddy fields and 3,500 acres of other crops at a rate of K 150,000 per acre of paddy and K 100,000 per acre of other crops. It is dispensing monsoon agricultural loans to those who have totally paid back their previous debt to the bank.


The bank has disbursed K 33.2 million of monsoon agricultural loans to 62 farmers for 332 acres of other crops in Kyatpyin village-tract in the township on 20 May. It will dispense agricultural loans to the farmers in the remaining villages.


Ye Tint (IPRD)

Translated by Suyee