More than 74,000 perennial plants grown in Mong Hpyak Township

The Forest Department is growing a total of 74,200 perennial plants and decorating trees in Mong Hpyak Township in Shan State (East) to distribute them to the people and the relevant departments in the raining season, said the Township Forest Department yesterday.

To cultivate the plants in the raining season with distribution of the plantings free of charge to the related department and the public, about 74,200 plants are being cultivated in the Forest Department garden in Mong Hpyak under the Shan State government plan.

Out of 74,200 plants, 7,700 are Senna siamea, also known as Siamese cassia, 16,500 are perennial crops including jack fruit and avocado, 8,500 are teak and the remaining 41,500 are other plantlings.

In 2020, Township Forest Department will celebrate monsoon tree planting ceremony and State Counsellor’s birthday commemorative planting ceremony in monsoon season. These nursery plants will be distributed to the respective departments and the public in the first week of June. —Than Tun Aye (IPRD)


(Translated by Hay Mar)