MSME products show & traditional food sale conclude with high participation

As a gesture of hailing the 77th Anniversary of Union Day, the MSME products show and tradi­tional food sale concluded yester­day with high numbers of partic­ipants, such as students, youths, and locals who participated in the Union Day ceremony.


THE event occurred in Tabaung Ground near Uppatasanti Pago­da, Nay Pyi Taw.


It also included various MSME products, ranging from traditional food representing mul­tiple ethnic groups to locally-pro­duced MSME goods and the One Region One Product initiative.


Businesspeople from MSME sectors and those who run man­ageable MSME businesses also visited the show, and the relevant officials explained the informa­tion on developing MSMEs and the challenges in penetrating lo­cal and foreign markets, among others.


The five-day event featured 34 venues to display MSME products of regions and states, including Nay Pyi Taw Council Area and 19 booths for traditional food. — Aung Ye Thwin/KTZH