MSME products show & traditional food sale continue 4th day

The fourth day of the MSME products show and traditional food sale occurred yesterday in Tabaung Ground near Up­patasanti Pagoda, Nay Pyi Taw.


The event was thronged with students, youths and those who participated in the Union Day ceremony and locals. The show displayed MSME products, One Region One Product and export products from regions and states, including Nay Pyi Taw Council.


The business people from MSME sectors and those who run manageable MSME busi­nesses also visited the show, and the relevant officials ex­plained the information to de­velop the MSMEs, the challeng­es in penetrating local/foreign markets, and so on. The show also included entertainment programmes in the evening. The MSME products and tradi­tional foodstuffs from regions and states are available in a single place, and visitors can observe the traditions and customs of ethnics from 10 to 14 February. — Than Min Aung/Jaing Law/ KTZH