Multi-purpose hall inaugurated in Taungman Sanpya Village in Minbu(Sagu) Township

Minbu 3 January

A ceremony to inaugurate a multi-purpose hall was held in Taungman Sanpya village in Minbu(Sagu) Township, Minbu District, Magway Region on 2 January.

First, chairman and members of District/Township Administration Committee opened the multi-purpose hall in commemoration of 76th Anniversary of Independence Day. Then, chairman of the District Administration Committee delivered an opening remark and an official from the Township Department of Rural Development handed over the documents relating to the hall to the village administrator.  

The hall measuring 60 ft in length, 30 ft in width and 12 ft in height is being built with K 19.90 million funded by Smart Village Project and K 7.30 million contributed by public starting from 2 November and it has been completed by 26 December.

Maung Maung (Minbu)

Translated by Suyee