Myanmar assumes alternate chair of 2024 ASEAN Committee in Beijing

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar has taken its turn holding the alternate chair of 2024 ASEAN Committee in Beijing-ACB.


The 2024’s first meeting of the heads of embassies of the ASEAN Committee in Beijing (ACB) in conjunction with the ceremony to transfer the chair­manship of the ACB was hosted by the Malaysian Embassy in Beijing, China, on 8 February.


The ASEAN Ambassadors exchanged views on the coopera­tion between China and ASEAN and the successfully implement­ed programmes of ACB during the term of Malaysia’s alternate chair at the meeting. Afterwards, Malaysia Ambassador Mr Nor­man Muhamad handed over the chairmanship responsibilities to Myanmar Ambassador U Tin Maung Swe.


The Myanmar ambassador, the alternate chair of the ACB, clarified the issues to address during Myanmar’s term of al­ternate chairmanship. Addi­tionally, the Myanmar ambas­sador stressed the importance of continuous contact among ASEAN embassies in Beijing. He expressed his firm belief that China and ASEAN nations will have to enhance cooperation as 2024 was set as the year to pro­mote relations between China and ASEAN countries. — ASH/ MKKS