Myanmar-China Media Tea Party held in Yangon to foster business relations

On 8 April, the Myanmar-China Media Tea Party took place at the China Enterprises Cham­ber of Commerce in Myanmar (CECC) headquarters, situat­ed in the Time City Complex in Kamayut Township, Yangon Region.


Attendees included Minis­ter Counsellor Mr Zheng Zhi­hong, staff from the Chinese Embassy to Myanmar, CECC Chairman Mr Liu Ming, Chinese business figures, and represent­atives from both Chinese and Myanmar media outlets.


Following opening remarks from the Minister Counsellor, CECC entrepreneurs elaborat­ed on their business ventures in Myanmar, covering diverse sectors such as garment man­ufacturing, electricity produc­tion, and automobile assembly, including electric vehicles.


Representatives from Yan­gon Media Group, Eleven Media Group, and CCTV posed que­ries regarding the investments made in Myanmar by Chinese entrepreneurs. The CECC chairman, Mr Sui Xigang and Mr Liu Younghoung, officials responsible for the garment and automobile sectors, and the Minister Counsellor fielded the questions and provided insights during the session.


The Minister Counsellor underscored the Chinese en­trepreneurs' commitment to adhering to laws and prioritizing the creation of opportunities and technological assistance for My­anmar citizens over profits. Ad­ditionally, he reiterated China's support for the country's peace and prosperity. — ASH/NT