Myanmar citizens in Singapore, ROK cast advance votes

Eligible voters of Myanmar citizens in Singapore began casting their advance votes for the 2020 General Election on 1 October.

About 800 advance voters on 1 October and about 1,400 voters on 2 October casted their votes at the Myanmar Embassy in Singapore.

Voters are required to wait in line in accordance with the safe distancing rules set by the embassy. After the temperature measurement and hand washing, they have to take out the ballot papers and vote.

Advance appointment is required on the embassy’s website for the date and time for voting in order to avoid crowds during the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure that the voters do not have to wait in line for long periods of time.

The appointment letter needs to be showed on the day of the voting with the passport, ID card or the driving licence of the voter for identification.

There are about 320,000 eligible Myanmar voters in Singapore for advance voting and the polling station will be open from 1 to 18 October.

Similarly, the Myanmar citizens in the Republic of Korea began the advance voting at the Myanmar embassy in Seoul starting from yesterday.

Over 1,400 Myanmar nationals working across the ROK came to Seoul to vote by buses on the first day of the advance voting.

Myanmar Embassy in Seoul also provided masks, disposable gloves and hand sanitizer in order to abide by the rules and regulations set by the country.

There are 9,810 Myanmar citizens who have applied for advance voting in the 2020 General Election and the polling station will be open until 11 October.—MNA


(Translated by EPPA)