The Myanmar delegation comprising of Deputy Minis­ter for Health Dr Aye Tun and Director-General U Sein Win of the Union Minister Office attended the International Fo­rum on Healthcare Systems Development, held in Russia from 2 to 6 December.


On 2 December, the My­anmar delegation led by the Deputy Minister attended the opening ceremony of the forum at ExpoCentre Fairgrounds, together with Russian Health Minister Mr Mikhail A Murashko and oth­er officials from international countries.


At noon, the deputy minis­ter participated in the discus­sion on the healthcare system held under the topic of ‘Key vectors of healthcare systems development: different ave­nues – one goal’.


In the evening, the dele­gation attended the bilateral meeting with Russian Deputy Health Minister Mr Oleg O. Salagai, and they exchanged views on the enhancement of health cooperation between the two countries.


On 3 December, the My­anmar delegation toured the Blokhin National Medical Research Centre of Oncolo­gy of the Russian Ministry of Health, and observed the can­cer treatment processes. In the evening, the delegation ob­served the Sklifosovsky Insti­tute for Emergency Medicine of the Moscow Department of Health.


On 4 December, the My­anmar delegation visited the Kulakov National Medical Re­search Centre for Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology under the Ministry of Health of Russia. During the visit, the deputy minister expressed gratitude for inviting Myan­mar medics to short-term dis­cussions and training courses yearly, and expressed willing­ness to continue cooperation in the healthcare sector.


The Myanmar delegation arrived back in Yangon yester­day evening. — MNA/KTZH