Myanmar delegation’s visit strengthens friendship with China

A delegation consisting of 22 members, led by U Khin Oo (aka) U Shin Phu, Vice-Chair­man of the Myanmar-China Friendship Association (Cen­tral) and In Charge of the Muse District, departed from Man­dalay for Mangshi by air on 29 May, upon invitation from the government of Dehong Prefec­ture of China.


During the five-day trip from 29 May to 2 June, the delegation engaged in discus­sions on cultural and educa­tional sectors explored scholar­ships in nursing and traditional medicine, visited companies and factories, paid homage to the Mangshi Golden Pagoda, made cash donations, and fos­tered friendly relations with the Chinese people. The Myanmar delegation returned yesterday evening.


Additionally, Rector Dr Myintzu Min from Mohnyin University attended the 11th World Women University Pres­idents Forum held at Huang­he S&T University, Hunan Province, People’s Republic of China, from 24 to 29 May. The event was organized by the Myanmar-China Friend­ship Association (Central), and over 270 representatives from 65 countries participated in the forum, discussing and exchanging views on various sectors of education. — MNA/ MKKS