Myanmar discusses Portability of Social Security Benefits for Migrant Workers

Union Minister for Labour U Myint Naung virtually attend­ed the fourth Labour Ministers Meeting on Portability of Social Security Benefits for Migrant Workers in Cambodia, Laos, My­anmar, Thailand and Viet Nam yesterday.


Speaking at the Laos-led meeting, the Union minister said the migrant workers bene­fit their countries for economic growth, whereas the undocu­mented migrant workers face hardships in getting primary so­cial security benefits. Therefore, it should cooperate to create a situation where migrant workers can go abroad for job purposes officially and grab the benefits of their host countries in accord­ance with the law. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to social security benefits.


He then highlighted My­anmar, being a member of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) in 1957 and the ASEAN Social Security As­sociation in 2015, including the measures to carry out social security benefits-related mat­ters for all labourers, including migrant workers. He mentioned the unity and goodwill of ASE­AN for better social status and healthcare services of migrant workers and called for cooper­ation to be a prosperous region.


Director-General U Maung Maung Than of the Department of Labour attended the seventh Senior Labour Official Meeting and discussed migration and sta­tistics of individual countries, practices for portability of so­cial security benefits for migrant workers in Cambodia, Laos, My­anmar, Thailand and Viet Nam.


At noon, at the fourth La­bour Ministers Meeting on Port­ability of Social Security Bene­fits for Migrant Workers, Laos’ labour officials and attendees reviewed the meeting minutes of the seventh meeting. They approved the Labour Minister Level Joint Statement. — MNA/ KTZH