Myanmar health officials discuss action plans for WHO fund period

A ceremony was held at the Department of Medical Research to explain the implementation of processes with the acquisition of World Health Organization funds for 2020-2021 yesterday.


Speaking at the event, Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe said his ministry will not be beginning new ventures or restarting existing ones in 2020, but will make minor amendments and beneficial changes to ongoing ones.


He said the ministry must endeavour for ealry implementation of its health action plans during 2020-2021 with WHO funds.


The Union Minister said all relevant officials must understand the standards for WHO funds, the 13th General Program of Work 2019-2023, prioritized strategic goals, action plans, aims and facts for acquiring funding. He said WHO officials should regularly meet up with the ministry’s health project managers and officials to ensure the fund is not wasted and all processes are beneficial.


Next, WHO technical officers Dr Mohammad Shahjahan and Dr Rahman and Daw Hla Hla Aye explained the 13th General Program of Work and framework, action plans for the 2020-2021 WHO fund period, currently verified action plans and possible fund acquisition, and supplementing programs. They then replied to questions from the audience.

Afterwards, the Medical Research Department Director-General and officials explained preparations for the 48th Myanmar Health Research Seminar, to be held from 13 to 17 January, 2020, in Yangon’s department.—MNA


(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)