The opening ceremony of a sports festival for basic educa­tion students for the academic year 2023-2024 was held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.


Speaking at the opening ceremony, Union Minister for Education Dr Nyunt Pe urged the participating students to try hard to become outstanding ath­letes, whereas the talented ones will be selected for various sports such as football, volleyball, Sepak Takraw, basketball, track & field, table tennis and badminton.


He then talked about achievements in competitions that can uplift the dignity of respective schools, townships, regions/states. He also high­lighted the positive competitive spirit and the need to become outstanding citizens, developing the five essential strengths.


The sports festival will run from 4 to 15 December in Nay Pyi Taw, and 1,850 participants, including sports team leaders, administrators, coaches and ath­letes, will participate. — MNA/ KTZH