Myanmar-India border trade declines by 4.6 mln this fiscal year

11 Nov

BORDER trade between Myanmar and India reached US$7.35 million  by  1  November  in  the  current  fiscal  year  2019-2020,  according  to  the  Ministry  of  Commerce. The value of border trade during the period declined by  $4.6  million,  compared  with  the same period in the previous fiscal year. Last year, the value of border trade was $11.9 million. 

The bilateral border trade, as of 1 November this FY, included  $6.99  million  in  exports  and  $0.36 million in imports.

The two countries carry out border  trade  mainly  through  Tamu,  Rhi,  Htan  Ta  Lan  and  Kenglap  cross-border  trade  camps,  while  a  major  part  of  bilateral  trade  is  delivered  via  ships. Myanmar mainly exports fruits  and  vegetables,  as  well  as  fishery  and  forestry  products  to  India,  while  importing  medicines, electronic products, motorbikes, cotton yarn, non-al-loy steel and other construction materials.  Myanmar's  border  trade  with  four  neighboring  countries, China, India, Thailand and  Bangladesh,  totalled  $881  million, consisting of $631 million in  exports  and  $268  million  in  imports.—Zwe (Translated  by  Hay Mar)