Myanmar national football team to play intl friendly matches in March

The Myanmar national foot­ball team will compete in in­ternational friendly matches during the international week in March.


The Myanmar Football Fed­eration is planning for Team My­anmar to play friendly matches, and two matches will be played.


The Myanmar nation­al team has stopped training since the end of the 2022 AFF Cup and will be able to train and prepare for international friendly matches only in the third week of March.


The Myanmar team will play against the national teams from the Asian region, and they have reached an agreement with the Indian national team, and comparisons are being made for the remaining match.


As the head coach of the Myanmar national team, Antoine Hey, mutually parted company with the football fed­eration at the end of January, a new coach or an interim coach must be appoint­ed to play these friend­ly matches.


The Myanmar team played five interna­tional friendly matches in 2022, drawing two and losing three in­cluding a goalless draw match against the Hong Kong team in May 2022, and one defeat match against Bahrain 0-2.


In September, they played two friendly matches against the Hong Kong team, losing the first match 0-2 and the second match with a goalless draw. They lost by six goals in a friendly match against Thailand in December. — Ko Nyi Lay/KZL