Myanmar participates in 3rd meeting of ASEAN-Brussels Committee

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, U Soe Lynn Han, Myanmar Ambassador to Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and the EU, at­tended the third meeting of the ASEAN-Brussels Committee (ABC) held at the Laos Em­bassy in Brussels on 24 June.


During the meeting, ABC ambassadors discussed the recent results of the EU elec­tions and the activities to be undertaken by the ABC in the second half of 2024 under the rotating chairmanship of the Embassy of Malaysia.


They also discussed facilitating a meeting with the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission (HR/ VP), Mr Josep Borrell, who will remain in office until No­vember this year. Additionally, they explored opportunities to engage with the Committees of the European Parliament, such as Foreign Affairs, Economic and Trade, and the Delegation for Relations with the Coun­tries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (DASE), after the for­mation of the new European Parliament. ABC ambassadors also planned to facilitate meet­ings with ambassadors from Central Asian countries, repre­sentatives from other partner countries and organizations in Brussels, and organize the ASEAN Family Day Event for 2024.

Following the discussions, Lao Ambassador Mr King­phokeo Phommahaxay handed over the rotating chairmanship of the ASEAN-Brussels Com­mittee to Malaysian Ambas­sador Mr Dato’ Mohd Khalid Abbasi Abdul Razak, conclud­ing the meeting. — ASH/ TMT