Myanmar Permanent Representative makes rebuttal statements to Special Rapporteur and FFM at interactive dialogues

20 September

Myanmar Permanent Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun made rebuttal Statements on the non-constructive remarks by the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar and irresponsible reports by the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) at the interactive Dialogues which were held on 16-17 September 2019 respectively, during the ongoing 42nd Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

During the Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur, the Permanent Representative apprised the Council of Myanmar’s efforts in strengthening democracy, promoting human rights for all including ethnic minorities in remote areas, responsible investment to address inequality and drive for more balanced growth without harming natural environment, promoting religious harmony and interfaith friendship, freedom of expression and internet, ending forced labour, preventing any form of violence including violations of abuses against women and children. He updated the Council on Myanmar’s decision to ratify the Optional Protocol to CRC on the involvement of children in armed conflict. Speaking about the government’s firm policy on the violations of human rights, he said that perpetrators are prosecuted in accordance with the law. There is no discrimination based on gender, age, sexual orientation, status, ethnicity or religion, he said.

He also explained about Myanmar’s peace-making and peace-building efforts with ethnic armed groups and said participation of civil society, women and youth, persons with disabilities presents “a testimony of inclusive peace process” in Myanmar.

With regard to Rakhine issue, he stressed, the government is taking “the holistic and inclusive approach”. He recalled the terror attacks of ARSA on 30 police outposts as well as their threat and horrific atrocities against innocent people, which is the main cause of the exodus. He further explained about the 3 visits of Myanmar high-level delegations to Cox’s Bazar and 3 attempts to commence repatriation. He talked about the movement in the Camps to hinder repatriation, including ARSA’s threat and NGOs and stated, “The plight of displaced persons has been exploited for political agenda”. He highlighted the need of creating conducive condition in the camps for displaced persons to express the truth without any fear or influence.

He reaffirmed that Myanmar is “willing and able” to address accountability issue and rejected any mechanism or attempt to refer Myanmar to international judicial body.

With regard to Myanmar’s position on Ms. Yanghee Lee, he mentioned the Parliament unanimously denounced on her absence of impartiality, objectivity and good faith. Then, he explained Myanmar’s cooperation with the relevant UN mechanisms. He stated that non-constructive approach, selective manner, retributive measures and undue pressure in the name of human rights, will, in no way, stimulate any positive change in Myanmar. He stressed the need of constructive support by international community to achieve human rights realization in Myanmar.

In the rebuttal statement to FFM and its reports, the Permanent Representative underscored the strong rejection of whole of Myanmar – the Government, Chambers of Commerce, Confederation of Trade Unions in Myanmar (CTUM), UEHRD, private companies – to FFM’s reports and its unfounded allegations. Those reports are simply called “the Darusman’s reports”. He reiterated Myanmar’s strong rejection to FFM since its establishment and its less than objective reports as well as its purported conclusions and recommendations. He reaffirmed that Myanmar strongly rejected its extension, the IIM, and said it is “selective discriminatory scrutinization on Myanmar”.

“People of Myanmar, who used to stand with the UN in their long struggle for democracy and human rights, are increasingly disappointed with less than objective stand taken by some elements of the UN with regard to Myanmar”, strongly stated by the Permanent Representative. He stressed that the work of FFM should not be allowed “to cast a dark shadow” over the Human Rights Council and the UN system as a whole. He expressed Myanmar’s concern about the narrative of FFM for economic isolation as it could inflict economic hardship to millions of innocent people and cause negative impact on the enjoyment of all human rights, including the right to development.

He pointed out that the report painted a distorted picture of UEHRD, the humanitarian body. He rejected FFM’s blame on Myanmar for border fencing as Myanmar has the sovereign right to construct border fencing along its demarcated boundary for security and to prevent illegal border crossing.

He also pointed out that FFM fully adheres to what it wants to focus. The atrocities and massacre of hundreds of innocent ethnic minorities by ARSA were “deliberately discounted in FFM’s findings”, he said.

Furthermore, he apprised the Council of the efforts by the Government in preventing sexual violence, addressing alleged violations by taking action upon credible evidence. He stated, “Impunity is not accepted by policy or by practice”. He clarified the wrong usage of the terminologies by FFM with regard to the word “Clearance Operation”, which was counter-insurgency operation and not clearing the whole area. He concluded by calling for constructive support and cooperation of international community to promote social and economic progress, strengthen democratization process, and benefit to further political reforms, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affaris.