Myanmar Script Fund (MSF) 5th edition to take place online from 24 Nov to 9 Dec

18 Nov

Aimed at training and showcasing the country’s next generation of filmmakers, and Myanmar Script Fund will take place exclusively online, with coaching and project presentation sessions with international film industry professionals. 

“After 4 editions, MSF is clearly bearing fruit, as evidenced by several selections and prizes awarded to Myanmar film projects at international markets and festivals: it is crucial that this now well-established MSF program is not interrupted in order to maintain the momentum it has created and which is having a positive impact on Myanmar’s film industry” declare Daw Swe Zin Htaik, actress, producer and faithful patron of MEMORY Festival.

Key international organizations of film industry have responded positively and will participate such as Cannes Festival Cinéfondation (France), Locarno Festival Open Doors (Switzerland), Rotterdam Festival Hubert Bals Fund (Netherlands), Cannes Myanmar Script Fund (MSF) 5th edition to take place online from 24 Nov to 9 Dec Festival Semaine de la Critique (France), Ties That Bind (European consortium), CNC French Film Commission (France), Autumn Meetings (Vietnam), Busan Festival Asian Project Market (Korea), LIM Groupe Ouest (France), La Fabrique Cinéma (France). “This year, everyone stays at home, but the world is coming to Myanmar” declare Séverine Wemaere, co-head of Myanmar Script Fund.

MSF 2020 will include 2 different sections; MSF Original for new projects and MSF Advanced for MSF Alumni. Both sections are selective through an online application, which started several weeks ago. The finalists of each section will be announced on November 23. Myanmar Script Fund is operated by MEMORY Cinema. MSF acts as a talent scouting for independent cinema in Myanmar. Since 2016, more than 70 talents have been trained, representing about 30 feature film projects. Beyond the competition, all finalists are then eligible for a customized follow-up, notably for future applications to international platforms that are crucial for the development of a film project.

The MSF programme is supported by the Union Ministry of Information of Myanmar, the French Embassy, the Swiss Embassy and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), The European Union Delegation in Myanmar, CNC (Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée), Arte, the US Embassy, the Locarno Festival-Open Doors and Forever Group.

The event can be enjoyed on memoryfilmfestivalyangon/.

Christine Tamalet/MEMORY