Myanmar has been exerting efforts with the officials con¬cerned to export onion to the Philippines under the govern¬ment-to-government agree¬ment, according to Myanmar’s commercial attaché in Manila, the Philippines.
A trial shipment will be initially undertaken to assess the onion’s quality to reach a G-to-G agreement. Myanmar Onion, Garlic and Kitchen Crops Producers and Exporters Asso¬ciation and Myanmar Rice Fed¬eration are connected with the Philippines International Trade Corporation (PITC) and Bureau of Plant and Industry under the Philippines Department of Agri¬culture to implement this.
The Philippines is likely to import 21,000 tonnes of onions in December, the Bureau of Plant and Industry notified on 27 No¬vember 2023. It will import an adequate volume of onions to avoid a shortage of onions dur¬ing Christmas and to control the potential price rise. The onion price was up by 10-20 pesos per kilogramme, yet the remaining stocks have been distributed to the market. Subsequently, they will import onions adequately sooner rather than later.
The onions fetch 140-180 pe¬sos in the Philippines. The price will likely decline with an influx of imports in the coming weeks.
The Philippines imports onions from China, India, Aus¬tralia, South Korea, the Neth¬erlands and New Zealand. There are 168 authorized on¬ion-importing companies in the country. Onions export to the Philippines through the G-to-G pact is the only accessible way for now. — NN/EM