Myanmar’s Kyaukpyu SEZ deep seaport set to make history, targeting 7M containers annually

The Kyaukpyu SEZ Project is a heavy infrastructure development project with a large amount of investment through Myanmar-China cooperation.


After the completion of Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone’s deep seaport project, it will become Myanmar’s first interna­tional-level deep seaport, facilitated with ten jetties capable of seven mil­lion containers per year, said Union Minister U Aung Naing Oo.


A ceremony to ink the Addendum to the Concession Agreement for im­plementation of the deep seaport of Kyaukpyu SEZ took place at Horizon Lake View Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw on the evening of 26 December. After the ceremony, Chairman of the Myanmar SEZ Central Working Body Union Minister at the Union Government Ministry 1 U Aung Naing Oo met the media.


On the occasion, the Un­ion minister explained that the Kyaukpyu SEZ Project is a heavy infrastructure development pro­ject with a large amount of invest­ment through Myanmar-China cooperation. He continued that the project comprises 30 per cent shares of Myanmar and 70 per cent shares of China to imple­ment the deep seaport project in four phases.


“The project will comprise four phases. The project will be facilitated with ten jetties to admit docking of vessels. On comple­tion, the port will be able to handle some seven million 20-foot con­tainers per year. Primarily, the project will manage the export of our country’s commodities and the commodities passing through Myanmar to African, Southeast Asian, and European countries. Any commodities must be export­ed to target countries via Singa­pore and Malaysia. Upon comple­tion of the project, we will have the chance to export commodities to target countries directly,” the Union minister clarified.


The Kyaukpyu SEZ Manage­ment Committee and Kyaukpyu SEZ Deep Seaport Co Ltd (Pro­ject Company), formed as a joint venture between Myanmar and China, signed the Concession Agreement to implement the deep seaport in November 2020.


In his clarification, the Union minister said, “Both sides held coordination meetings to clear­ly understand the Concession Agreement and the authority and duties for some facts in the agreement between Myanmar and China. Myanmar initially proposed to ink the Addendum to the agreement.”


According to the coordina­tion meetings, the Chairman of the Kyaukpyu SEZ Management Committee and the official repre­sentative of the Kyaukpyu SEZ Deep Seaport Co Ltd inked the Addendum to implement the pro­ject as soon as possible.


He added, “This project aims to enhance the socioeconomic life of the people in Rakhine State, including Kyaukpyu region, and create employment opportunities in addition to promoting coop­eration in economy and trade between Myanmar and China”.


This project will be a trade focal point among Asia, Africa and Europe and a gateway to the world to improve the socioecon­omy of Myanmar and regional countries. Hence, Myanmar and China closely cooperate in im­plementing the initial process of the project, U Aung Naing Oo commented.


It will be able to attract mil­lions of US dollars in investment to Myanmar, generate a lot of tax revenue for the State, and pro­mote the surrounding upstream and downstream industries, thus increasing the economic develop­ment of the entire country and the individual GDP of the people.


In implementing the project, the local Rakhine businesspeople and ethnic business persons who have a great deal of experience and can actually work will be in­vited to cooperate with the project company, he added.


He continued that the Envi­ronmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social Impact Assess­ment (SIA) complete about 85 per cent, and the work processes will continue to complete a hundred per cent. The geo-topographic survey has been completed, and the relevant work of drafting de­signs is in progress.

The capital investment fi­nancing to start the project will be conducted, and the major in­frastructure of the project will be constructed. “If all these process­es are completed, the project will start. The two sides will cooper­ate to start the project promptly,” said U Aung Naing Oo.


“Regarding the Kyaukpyu Deep Seaport Project, the Kyauk­pyu locals want to complete it as quickly as possible. Some of the town elders of Kyaukpyu and oth­er locals who previously served senior-level duties met with me and demanded that the project be started promptly. The residents are satisfied with the Kyaukpyu project. They also suggested starting the operations as quickly as possible,” the Union minister said regarding the opinions of the locals.


Along with the construction of the Kyaukpyu Special Eco­nomic Zone deep seaport project, the industrial park project will continue to be implemented. If the Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone Deep Seaport Project and the Industrial Park Project are implemented, job opportunities will be available for locals, and most management positions will be occupied by Myanmar nation­als.


The Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone and the Deep Seaport Project will bring many possession of benefits to the country, such as possession of a seaport that can directly connect to international governments, job opportunities in various fields, including management posi­tions for the Myanmar citizens, receiving of tax revenues in trad­ing with China passing through Myanmar and attracting foreign investments for having industrial zone project.


“The whole project will con­tribute to the entire country and socioeconomic sector of the cit­izens,” U Aung Naing Oo reaf­firmed.


The China-Myanmar Eco­nomic Corridor (CMEC), which the former governments agreed on, will reportedly be implement­ed along with this project. The CMEC features the China-Man­dalay-Kyaukpyu of Myanmar ex­press railway, connecting to the Kyaukpyu Deep Seaport project.


The project will be a four-phase operation and was signed by the former government. The project will be implemented phase by phase, in its stipulat­ed time frame. — Hein Min Soe/ TTA/KTZH