National COVID-19 Committee honours volunteers, CSOs in Taninthayi Region

13 July

THE National-Level Volunteer Steering Committee for Prevention, Control and Treatment on COVID-19 presented certificates of honour, badges, facemasks and hand sanitizers to the volunteers and civil society organizations (CSOs) that are fighting against COVID-19 pandemic in Taninthayi Region yesterday.

The certificates of honour were presented at Dawei Town’s University of Computer Studies and Sasana Beikman, which are opened consistent with quarantine centres. 

Secretary of the Volunteer Steering Committee and Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlemeant Dr Win Myat Aye was accompanied by Taninthayi Region’s Chief Minister U Myint Maung, Social Affairs Minister, Social Welfare Department’s Deputy Director-General, and officials from Public Health and Medical Services Department and General Administration Department at the quarantine centres.

The Union Minister and National COVID-19 Committee honours volunteers, CSOs in Taninthayi Region party handed over certificates of honour for 3,927 volunteers and 160 CSOs in Taninthayi Region to the Region Chief Minister and badges, facemasks and hand sanitizers to the volunteers and CSOs representatives. 

The Chief Minister and officials will also present the certificates of honour to the volunteers and CSOs in the region.

If there are volunteers and CSOs who were not included in the first batches of presenting certificates in regions and states, officials from related townships’ volunteers support groups will give certificates for them, according to the ministry. 

The two ceremonies in Taninthayi Region yesterday were held in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports.

The ministry provided a total of K 2.97 million, K30,000 per one, from its fund for the quarantine centres’ 44 pregnant women, 41 children under 5, and 14 elderly persons to an incharge of the quarantine centre. 

The Union Minister also coordinated the volunteers’ difficulties and needs for foreign returnees at the quarantine centres.

In the afternoon, the Union Minister inspected the two-storey preschool building being constructed by the town’s Social Welfare Department, Ye Township, Mon State and urged the officials to timely complete the projects and meet quality standards. 

They also visited Sulun Gu Dhamma Aye Yeiktha Monastery in Asin Sanpya Village in Ye Township and made offertories to the monastery’s Sayadaw Bhaddanda Tiloka. 

At the monastery’s quarantine centre, the Union Minister gave K30,000 each and nutrious snacks to children under 5. 

MNA (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)